The color yellow is the color of joyfulness for me, and this coming year whenever I see something yellow or even if I don't, I am going to try to write about something joyful or something I am thankful for each week in the hope that I will take my eyes off myself more often. So this is my thankfulness blog!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Gender Roles with Tea

I am thankful for TEA!

It's not a very exciting picture, but my life is not very exciting right at this moment.

I've been working on my sociology paper on gender and sex roles today, and it's been very low-key. If there's one thing that can be said for college, it's that it makes you contemplate everything under the sun from the nature/nurture debate to your stance on organic food products. It's quite a trip.

But for now, I think I am done writing this paper and will proceed to more homework before I call it a night.

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