I have set out to be thankful for things in my own life that are right in front of my face every day and through that interact with my Almighty Best Friend more often, so that's exactly what I'm going to do!
This week was the first week back for spring semester, and getting reacquainted with school and classes and responsibility again has been the name of the game. For the most part, my schedule is pretty relaxed. Not much rushing around, and I don't have to get up too early which is getting increasingly better as I get more tired throughout the week.
The thing I am thankful for right now is my ability to work-out and go to the gym. I'm taking a fitness class, which forces me to get my butt out of bed and onto the treadmill.
Running isn't exactly a favorite thing of mine yet. I've heard that the more you run the more you love running, and honestly I am perfectly fine just staying out of this whole running-love-loop. But I've also heard (probably from the same person who told me about loving to run) that dying early is a symptom of sitting on the couch and eating biscotti all day. So, the biscotti is out and the running is in.
I find that while I am running, I start having really low self-esteem. I thought that running was supposed to give you endorphins or something. Evidently my brain doesn't understand endorphins because every time I start running, my thoughts turn apocalyptic. I start questioning why I do anything, because, really, I'm just going to die someday. And then I think, I'm probably going to die while running. Running suddenly turns into an enemy, and I am no closer to loving to run than I was four miles ago.
Even though running makes me question all my previous assumptions about myself, I get in some good perseverance time too. I feel like if I persevere through these next two miles, then maybe I won't make myself walk up the stairs after Sociology! If I persevere through this last half mile, then maybe I'll let myself watch a TV show after class! And I put exclamation points on those sentences because it's a reward! Doing my time on the treadmill, gives me license to whatever I want!!!!
Not really, but kind of...At least I feel less guilty about eating that cookie after lunch. Hopefully sometime soon running will be a habit and I will love it.
That's right L-O-V-E-R-U-N-N-I-N-G.
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