The color yellow is the color of joyfulness for me, and this coming year whenever I see something yellow or even if I don't, I am going to try to write about something joyful or something I am thankful for each week in the hope that I will take my eyes off myself more often. So this is my thankfulness blog!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Big One

We can never love God as much as he loves us!

I am constantly reminded that I am not alone. I am cherished. I am loved. I am sought after.

Even if I am utterly alone in my little mind bubble, and the people around me don't understand a thing, I am not solitary.

I am always in a state of togetherness.

I am in sweet communion with the One. The Big One. The Creator.

When I am completely off my game socially, emotionally, academically, I can rely upon the Big One. He's got it all.

I am thankful for my God. I think in some ways I am always thankful for my God, but today I am thankful for His constantsy. He is consistently on my side, the one at my back pushing me forward and whispering in my ear.

My only wish is that I would live like this is true. That my mindset would be such that this is a real factor in my daily life. That it would show to others around me that I have complete confidence in the Big One.

Now, we'll see about tomorrow...another day, another chance to live like I am not alone.

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